Pediatric Restorative Dentistry

Ideally, we’d like to prevent dental problems from ever starting, but we recognize that this isn’t always realistic or possible. Situations can come up when your child needs a filling or another dental repair, and when that happens, it’s good to have a pediatric dentist you can trust.

Guilford pediatric dentist Dr. Kate Glazer has extensive experience dealing with life’s dental mishaps. Kids love coming to our office and parents trust us to care for their children’s teeth gently and compassionately. Dr. Kate is a mother herself and understands and empathizes with your worries and concerns. You can count on Dr. Kate to thoroughly explain the problem, lay out your options, and provide her professional recommendation.

Early Detection and Treatment of Decay

Kids love sugar, and so do cavities. No matter how impeccable your home care routine, your child might still get a cavity. Due to the natural grooves and anatomy of the teeth, cavities are common among younger patients.

Cavities are really decay (caries), which is caused by bacteria that have taken hold in your child's tooth. The earlier caries is detected, the better. Dr. Kate will check your child's teeth visually for decay as well as use x-rays to examine the areas between the teeth. Once caries is detected, Dr. Kate will gently and expertly remove the decay and fill the cavity to restore the health and function of your child's tooth.

Crowns for Kids

Sometimes, in cases of severe decay or trauma, your child may require a crown. A crown is a protective cover placed over the tooth like a helmet. Crowns can restore the structure, stabilize the tooth, and protect it from more extensive damage.

Pediatric Nerve Treatment

Occasionally, because of deep decay or trauma, nerve treatment may be necessary to prevent serious infection or tooth loss. Dr. Kate is skilled in techniques to gently clean out the decay and infection. She focuses on saving the tooth and maintaining function. Preservation is important because baby teeth act as guides for the eruption of permanent teeth later on down the road.

Extractions and Space Maintainers

Sometimes, the tooth simply can’t (or shouldn’t) be saved and extraction becomes the best option for relieving pain and preserving the other teeth. We know that extraction can be scary for both you and your child, and we’ll talk you both through the process.

If a tooth has to come out before it’s ready, a space maintainer may be needed to prevent other teeth from drifting into the gap that remains until the permanent tooth comes in. Without the space maintainer, the area may become crowded and the permanent tooth could come in crooked or at an unusual angle, leading to problems and future orthodontic treatment.

Call to Schedule Your Appointment

Regular check-ups will help us catch any problems early so that they can be treated more easily using more conservative methods. If your child ever experiences dental pain, however, you should call our Guilford, CT children’s dental office right away. Pain is an indication that something is wrong, and it’s important to get it checked out and treated as soon as possible.